We have a BIG vision for Manchester! We are the first Young Adult and Student focussed Besom and want to provide a generation of people with a heart for social action to make a difference to those in need. From other's experience in Besoms across the UK, we know that an intentional involvement with those in poverty and praying to meet their needs through generous giving will also transform faith and disciple you. We are passionate about creating simple opportunities to bridge the gap between those who have things to give with those who are in great need of them!
Please note: We are not currently accepting referrals, but for all other enquiries, get in touch.

We will be hosting an event to go into more detail about the vision and ethos we have for Besom in Manchester. It will be a time to gather, pray and explore where we will be going next.
Please get in touch via email us if you would like to attend. It would be great to see you there.

'Dream a dream so big that unless God intervenes it will fail' - James Hudson Taylor
One of Besom's core values is that Prayer underpins everything we do. With such a big vision, we want to start as we mean to go on. We are looking to form a prayer group to explore what God might be calling us to as a Besom in Manchester. If you'd like to join us in praying - get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.