It feels like only yesterday that we celebrated Christmas and were happily running around delivering hampers to those who needed them the most.
How wonderful that God gives us such a privilege to serve the poor! Not only that, He also reminds us of our hidden treasures in heaven and how valuable he sees our service to Him through what we do for others.
As you reflect on the year gone and the next one starts before you, please be encouraged with this passage:
'Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. (Matthew 25:34-36, NIV).
Don't be afraid to look poverty in the eye with God's lens, talk to God about the little and the big things, and most of all, remember He knows, He understands and He loves us all so dearly.
Staring at poverty,
what do you see?
When we look at the poor, those in need around us in our communities, on the street corners, in shopping malls, on housing estates, what do we really see?
Do you see a human in need or as a problem, an inconvenience perhaps that's sat right outside your favourite café or shop? Or do you see someone stuck in a cycle of drama and problems that perhaps they caused for themselves and don't want to get out of that cycle? Or do you see Jesus on His knees begging for help, asking you - Do you see me? Can you help me?
In Deuteronomy 11:15, God reminds us that 'there will always be some in the land who are poor' - that though poverty will always exist, He also commands us to share freely what we have with the poor.

As disciples of Jesus, we are meant to radiate His light in the darkness, to be beacons of hope, visible amidst hunger, poverty, and desperate crises that God knows we can help with.
Next time you take a look at 'the one' God has made you see, take another look and ask Jesus, 'What do you want me to do?'
Are we praying for
the little things?
It's so easy to know what to do when we are good at planning and can see a solution right in front of us. It's easy to say, Yes, Lord, I'll go - to put our coats and shoes on and go wherever we feel he's leading us to.
But how many times do we inquire of the Lord in our daily life decisions, the small stuff? For example, taking the children to school, making dinner, being there for our families, looking after ourselves and taking rest times!
The Lord delights in having communion with us about everything in our lives. The big and the little. If we can inquire of the Lord when making big decisions we can also incorporate the Lord in our day-to-day small decisions. After all, 'the LORD directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives...' Psalms 37:23-25- NLT.

Next time you sit in your driving seat ready to take off, say a quick hello to your Friend and LORD Jesus, ask him about the rest of your plans for the day, and try and listen in to hear what He says to you. Invite the Holy Spirit into your day to nudge you to check in with God about the little things before you rush in with a quick solution!
Encouraging answers to prayer
We know that prayer works - here's some encouraging testimonies of God's goodness and answers to prayer we heard about recently from across the Network.
Besom in Haringey
"Our trusty van has finally just become a rusty van and failed its MOT, after much prayer we scrapped it - with many thanks to the chap at 'webuyanyvan' who nudged the price for us when he heard about all our work!
We are very blessed with a friend who has offered to buy a replacement van for us."
From Guy - Haringey Besom Lead
Besom in Woking
"Happy New Year to the BESOM. Thanks for being part of my success story in 2024. Thank you for the many things gifted me. Welcome to a more glorious 2025.
God bless you all."
From a Recipient

Besom in Cambridge
"I just wanted to say a very special thank you to you all... Your kind donations have made our family's Christmas so very special. You are extremely kind people! I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. From ... xx"
From a Recipient
If your Besom has received any encouraging messages lately from a recipient or wants to share an answer to prayer, we would loveto hear it. Please send these through to media@thebesomnetwork.org.
Dates for your diary
Besom 'Southerners' get-together event
Thursday 3rd of April in Basingstoke | 10.00 AM
A wonderful opportunity to meet together once more in person, ably hosted by The Besom in Basingstoke. Bring your teams and your time-givers:
- get to know each other better
- share your experiences, difficulties and top tips!
- provide encouragement and prayer.
All are very welcome! Lunch will be provided.
Further details to follow but please SAVE-THE-DATE and let other Besom-ers in the south know.
From Tony Hewat, Besom in Woking
Besom Family Prayer Meeting on Zoom
Thursday 1st February | 7:30 PM
Please join us on Zoom from wherever you are to share encouragement and pray together
Log-in ID: 736 354 4303
No passcode required