Family reunions - Cambridge meets Esher
Felix Hearn, the Besom in Cambridge Lead Co-ordinator, and Gavin Howard, founder and Besom in Cambridge teammate welcomed Annie Emmins (Lead Co-ordinator in Esher) and her son Isaac when they visited the Besom early this month. It was lovely to eat together with all the time-givers and chat about the vision and ministry of Besom, share a variety of ways each Besom did things and pray together. Safeguarding practices, discipleship and how to organise storage in the premises were some of the topics!
The Besom in Cambridge works with many churches on home projects. Some include Kingsgate Church, Christ Church, Eden Baptist Church, St Benet's Church, St Barnabas, St Paton's and others.
If you live in Cambridge, please get involved.
(In the photo above from left to right: Felix, Annie, and Gavin)

Working with local
churches - Taunton
Roger and Mandy from the Besom in Taunton had the privilege of sharing more about Besom's ministry through their display boards at their local church, Taunton Vineyard's Ministry and Team day.
The Taunton Vineyard Church led by Pastors Jamie and Dani are very supportive of Besom financially and encourages the team to share their Besom God-stories in newsletters. This Church is one of six churches that support the Besom in Taunton.
Mandy and Roger also recruited another keen time-giver while out on the day. If you live in Taunton or Wellington area and want to find out more, please get in touch.
(In the photo above from left to right: Mandy and Roger Habgood)

Who is carrying you through hardship?
Remember those times when you had to carry your child to soothe them? I recently experienced this with my 8-year-old, yes 8! She was having a tricky week at school and needed extra TLC so demanded I carry her like I used to when she was a baby. In that moment, I felt reminded of God's Fatherly love for us and how He supports and carries us through our daily struggles and uncertainties. Are you relying on him to carry you when you're feeling troubled or seeking strength and wisdom?
Isaiah 46:3-4 says, "Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob, all the remnant of the people of Israel, you whom I have upheld since your birth, and have carried since you were born. Even to your old age and grey hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you: I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
(In the photo above: Angelina and her daughter)

Besom in Esher God-story, more discoveries!
We are so thrilled for the Besom in Esher and the amazing discoveries that God keeps revealing about their new premises. So inspiring!
Please listen to this amazing story and share it with others.
Have you got a Besom God-story? We'd love to hear it and it will encourage and inspire others! Please email media@thebesomnetwork.org so we can share it.
Also please subscribe to our YouTube channel to hear more Besom God- stories and share them with your community and family.
Till next time, but for now, "the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-25- NIVUK).